Tuesday, November 9, 2010

#3 of 5 - Ensign Ranch - Trudy & Tracy's Fun Food!

These were delicious once we got them done. :) They are a biscuit that you wrap around a 1 1/2 inch wooden dowl and then cook over the fire till its done. Then you put pudding in it-we ate the pudding cold as she used instant and mixed it together in a ziplock baggie. Then you put toppings on it-this one of Emily's that I did has whipped cream and sprinkles. It was yummy! Aug. 27th, 2010.

Here it is from the side. This one turned out really well and tasted so yummy!! Aug. 27th, 2010.

Another shot of it. Think maybe she called them pudding cups but can't remember for sure. The kids had fun trying to do them even though it was a little harder to do than it sounded like it would be. Thanks for this one Trudy!! We loved it! Aug. 27th, 2010.

This one is muffins-two different kinds-but being cooked inside scooped-out orange peels then wrapped in foil and cooked over the fire. Leo and I worked on cutting the oranges in half and scooping all the orange sections out and Trudy filled them and got them ready to be put over the fire. They were supposed to be breakfast on our last morning there, but they took a lot longer to cook than she thought they would. But they turned out yummy when we finally got to eat some of them. :) Aug. 27th, 2010.

A closer-up look at the muffins. They were fun. We had a couple other really fun things for dinners: mini pizzas that Tracy did on English Muffins in a dutch oven over the fire our first night-that were TOTALLY AWESOME!-(like pic above in #1 of 5 section). The other really fun one was Chili in a Bag-no picture. It was awesome! We each had our own little individual bags of Fritos and put chili right in the bag with the chips. Then we put cheese and other yummy things in there with it and ate it right out of the bag. It was fun and SO YUMMY! Trudy & Tracy gave us some really fun and really yummy things to try for future camping trips! Thanks girls! Aug. 27th, 2010.

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